As God guided the Israelites into the promised land, He instructed them to purify themselves before crossing the Jordan River. In another powerful miracle, God stopped the Jordan River, in flood stage, so that the people easily crossed into Canaan land. The Ark of the Covenant and the Priests led the procession. God guided the Israelites into the Promised Land as they continued to trust Him.
In reading carefully through the New Testament, to see what kind of experience you can expect, I find that the New Testament sets forth only one. There is just one experience to be looked for, only one feeling you can expect, and that is the experience of faith. Believing God is an experience as real as any experience. Yet many are looking for something more, some dramatic sensation that will bring a physical thrill, while others look for some special manifestation
Many have been told to look for such sensations, but the Bible says that a man is "justified by faith" and not by feeling. A man is saved by trusting in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, not by physical excitement, or religious ecstasy.
You may ask, "What about feeling? Is there no place in saving faith for feeling?" Certainly there is room for feeling in saving faith. But we are not saved by it. Whatever feeling there may be is only the result of saving faith, but it in itself is not what does the saving.
Finally, you may say, "I believe the historic facts of the Gospel, but still I'm not saved." Perhaps so, but the faith that saves has one distinguishing quality, saving faith is a faith that produces obedience, it is a faith that brings about a new way of life.
Some have imitated this way of life for a time, but for those who trust in Jesus Christ for salvation, that faith brings about in them a desire to live out that inward experience of faith. It is a power that results in Godly living and a surrender to God's will.
Often our efforts seem uncertain or risky. Put your complete trust in God to guide and lead you.